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                                        Quotes about us

  • “The Chicago Loop Synagogue is a beautiful and intimate space. Though it can seat more than 200, every seat feels up close due to its structure in the round. Mary Lynn is a dream to work with. She makes sure every detail is taken care of. Cary is wonderful as well. When you work with the Loop you work with a staff that really cares, and that is as dedicated to your celebration being a success as you are. To us it was also important that the synagogue is so old, and so beautiful, a living piece of Chicago Jewish history.” -Vered Hankin Kaufman, PhD
  • The residents said the concert was OUTSTANDING!  Thank you so much for the bus and opportunity! L’ Shanah Tovah, Michelle Bernstein, Director of Life Enrichment, CJE- Tamarisk NorthShore
  • Thank you so much for lovely high holiday services and for welcoming me with open arms”.  – Eliana Roodman
  • Thank you  from Clara Harelik from Springfield, NJ  "The Torah was brought up to the balcony section for me to kiss it twice." 
  • We had a very "spiritual experience" - Carl Tishler
  • "We loved Chicago and found our minyan to be really friendly." - Joseph Pak, Atlantic Beach, NY
  • I "enjoyed the communal atmosphere and our amazing stained glass window." - Scott Schlesinger - Silver Spring, MD
  • I was "awestruck" by your sanctuary - Ezra Khezrie, New York.
Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784